上次吃魚吃的不過癮,這次再用改編一個食譜做做看阿拉斯加鱈魚,為什麼我喜歡吃的魚都這麼貴呢? 過兩天得吃省一些了!!!


份量: 2 人份


A 魚料

阿拉斯加鱈魚                2


麵粉                           ½

黑胡椒粉                      1 大匙

                               1 小匙

橄欖油                         2 大匙

白飯                            2 人份

捲心菜沙拉綜合包*        1

巴西里屑                      1 大匙



奶油                  1 大匙

蒜泥                  1 大匙

麵粉                  1 大匙

牛奶                  ¾

液態奶油            ¼




美乃滋               1 大匙

蘋果西打醋         ¼ 小匙

液態奶油            ¼ 小匙

白砂糖               1 小匙




1. 用廚房用紙把魚片擦乾,在表面灑上少量胡椒和鹽。將麵粉和黑胡椒粉和鹽拌勻,放入一淺盤中。

2. 拿一不沾鍋加熱橄欖油,將魚片兩面都沾上淺盤裡的麵粉,放入鍋中兩面煎至金黃。

3. 拿一小湯鍋加熱B料中的奶油,融化後加入蒜泥炒香,溫度不要太高不然蒜泥會燒焦,炒香後倒入麵粉一起炒,要把生麵粉味炒掉,大約2分鐘,一面攪幔,一面緩緩加入牛奶和液態奶油,如果加太快,湯汁會分離,攪拌到全部均勻後,就可以熄火,加入適量口味的鹽與黑胡椒粉。

4. C料全部放入一大碗中拌勻,加入一杯的捲心菜沙拉綜合包,拌勻,放入冰箱備用。

5. 在盤中盛一些白飯,放上一大塊煎好的鱈魚,淋上一些蒜頭奶油白醬,灑一些巴西里屑,再用一個小碟盛一些高麗菜沙拉一起放入盤中,趁熱食用。




Bella 五星級廚房相關食譜

奶油香蒜烤鮭魚 Buttery Garlic Salmon 

奶油香蒜烤鮭魚 Buttery Garlic Salmon

智利鱈魚甜薑意大利麵Chilean Seabass w/Pickled Ginger Pasta 



Lightly Breaded Alaskan Cod


A Ingredients

Alaskan Cod                   2 pieces

Salt and pepper                pinch

Flour                                 ½ cup

Salt                                    1 teaspoon

Olive oil                            1 tablespoon

Steamed rice                     2 servings

Cole Slaw salad mix         1 cup

Parsley, minced                1 tablespoon


B Ingredients

Butter                               1 tablespoon

Garlic, minced                 1 tablespoon

Flour                                1 tablespoon

Milk                                ¾ cup

Heavy whipping cream   ¼ cup

Salt and pepper to taste


C Ingredients

Mayonnaise                         1 tablespoon

Apple cider vinegar            ¼ teaspoon

Heavy whipping cream       ¼ teaspoon

Sugar                                    1 teaspoon

Salt and pepper to taste




1. Dab the fish dry with a kitchen towel, sprinkle the pinch of salt and pepper. Mix the flour with the salt and pepper, pour onto a shallow plate.

2. Heat the olive oil in a non-stick skillet, dip the fish onto the flour plate to coat, place onto the flour plate, cook until golden. 

3. Heat the butter in B Ingredients in a small sauce pan, add the minced garlic and sauté until fragrant, control the temperature or the garlic will brown too quickly, then add the flour, stir for about 2 minutes to get rid of its raw flour taste, then slowly pour the milk and heavy whipping cream into the mixture while stirring, after it’s all blended, turn off the heat, add salt and pepper to taste.


4. Mix C ingredients into a mixing bowl, add the Cole Slaw mix, stir to blend, then refrigerate.

5. Scoop some white rice on a plate; place a big piece of golden Alaskan Cod on top, drizzle some Garlic butter sauce decorated with minced parsley.  In a separate little plate, serve the cole slaw cold.



Servings: 2


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