

夏天要找藉口吃肉還真難,好久沒吃了,所以今天就來做一下這個好久沒做的羊肉排,有加薄荷宜夏天吃,一塊塊的羊排外面還沾著一圈綠綠的薄荷,真漂亮,第一次做的時候,我家老爺吃了好多塊,他是每次去超市都會瞪著羊肉留口水的人。不過他的膽子也實在大,上山下海陪我吃了不少奇怪的東西。有一次去飲廣式早茶,點了一道牛雜豬血,他好喜歡吃豬血,吃了好幾塊後,才問我是什麼東西做的,我就裝沒聽到,怕他知道了不敢吃了,結果下午一起去超市時,在肉櫃裡就放了好多塊豬血,而且還有英文喔,Pig blood cake,我也裝沒看到,我家老爺就問我那是不是早上吃的神秘食物,我就說不是,他可不相信,但是後來去飲茶,他還是照吃豬血。


份量: 4 人份



羊腿肉,無骨             2

橄欖油                         1 大匙




橄欖油                         1 大匙

蒜泥                             1 大匙

青豆                             2



紅蔥頭,切碎               1

蒜泥                               1 大匙

紅酒                               ½  

雞湯                                1   

百里香,整枝               1

桂葉                               1    



D 點綴料

葡萄甜醋                       ½

新鮮薄荷,切碎            2 大匙

巴西里,切碎                2 大匙


1. 預熱烤箱375F190C,將羊腿肉四面灑鹽和黑胡椒粉,拿一可進烤箱的煎鍋加熱橄欖油,放入羊腿肉下去煎,每面都要煎脆,這時中心還是生的,整個鍋子放入烤箱烤20 分鐘,直到溫度計伸進中心量出大約140°F/60°C,半生熟,將羊肉排用一鋁箔包住保溫,另放一盤中,靜置10分鐘。

2. 用烤過羊肉排的鍋,再放回爐頭上加熱,炒香紅蔥頭,蒜泥,百里香和桂葉,炒約2-3分鐘,加入紅酒,一面煮一面用湯匙刮乾淨底部的鍋粑,煮蒸發一半的湯汁時,加入雞湯,再煮個5分鐘,到湯汁有點濃稠,關火,加入一大匙的奶油拌勻,倒入一個小碗中,蓋上鋁箔保溫。

3. B材料的青豆在滾水中川燙一下,拿一煎鍋加熱橄欖油,加入蒜泥爆香,再加入青豆炒一下,大約2-3分鐘,盛出。

4. 拿一小湯鍋加熱D料的葡萄甜醋,直到濃稠,大約要煮到甜醋有像楓糖漿一樣的質地,倒入一淺盤中,放涼備用。另外將切碎了的薄荷和巴西里混合放到一只淺盤中,備用。

5. 裝盤時,將羊肉排上的鋁箔拿掉,將整個羊肉排在放涼濃稠的甜醋中,滾幾圈讓羊肉排外面全部沾滿甜醋,再將整個羊肉排放到有薄荷和巴西里屑的淺盤中,讓外麵沾滿綠綠的菜屑,馬上放到一個覘板上,用刀切成8片薄片。拿餐盤放上半杯青豆,上面放2塊羊肉排薄片,灑上酒醬料,趁熱吃。


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美式燒烤牛肋排 BBQ Beef Ribs




Roasted Leg of Lamp


A Ingredients

Lamb leg meat, boneless            2 lb

Olive oil                                      1 tablespoon

Salt and pepper


B Ingredients

Olive oil                                      1 tablespoon

Garlic, minced                            1 tablespoon

Sweet peas                                  2 cups


C Ingredients

Shallots, minced                         1 head

Garlic, minced                            1 tablespoon

Dry red wine                               1 cup

Chicken stock                              1 cups

Thyme                                         1 sprig

Bay leaf                                       1 piece

Salt and pepper to taste


D Ingredients

Balsamic vinegar                         ½ cup

Fresh mint, chopped                     2 tablespoon

Parsley, chopped                          2 tablespoon


1. Preheat oven to 375, sprinkle lamb with salt and pepper, fry all sides in a oven-proof skillet, center is still raw at this time, place the entire frying pan into the oven, bake for 15 minutes, until meat thermometer inserted registers 140°F/60°C for medium rare, wrap lamb in heavy duty foil, let sit in a platter for 10 minutes.

2. Heat the same skillet on the stove, add shallots, garlic, thyme sprig, and bay leaf, for about 2-3 minutes, add the red wine to deglaze the skillet, when the wine is half evaporated, add the chicken stock, cook an additional 5 minutes until thicken, turn off heat, add one tablespoon of butter to blend, pour the sauce into a gravy boat, cover with foil. 

3. Blanch and sweet peas from B Ingredients in boiling water, heat the olive oil in a frying pan, sauté the garlic, add the sweet peas, cook for about 2-3 minutes. 

4. Heat the D ingredients Balsamic vinegar in a small sauce pan until thicken, pour into a shallow plate, pour chopped mint and parsley onto another shallow plate.

5. To serve, coat the lamb with thickened balsamic vinegar, then dip into mint and parsley plate, evenly coat, then place on a chopping board to carve the lamb into about 8 slices, place about 1//2 cup of sweet peas onto dinner plates, add 2 slices of lamb on top of the peas, drizzle with wine sauce, serve hot.


Servings: 4





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